4/20/2021 04:07:00 AM

Game release date

We are planning several stages of CBT, and then the release.
What are the rules on the forum?

You can find the Official Forum Rules
I'm a newbie. Where can I find more information about the game?

You can find information on the website and Forum. The Forum is constantly expanded so to cover all aspects of the game that players are interested in.
I have a question about one of the game mechanics. Where can I find the answer?

You can find information on the Forum.
What is the game about?

Corepunk is an MMORPG with an open seamless world that allows for endless possibilities. You can explore the world, participate in trading, complete dungeons, or engage in PvP battles. Each aspect of the game will be incentivised. There will be a rating system to encourage each type of activity.
What is the Business Model for Corepunk?

We’ve settled on Buy-to-play + cosmetics (battle passes, in-game shop). We will not sell any boosters. Nothing that can affect your gameplay. Only cosmetic items can be bought through in-game shop or achieved with battle passes.
What is the game's style?

Corepunk is a game with stylized graphics, a post-apocalyptic atmosphere, and an eclectic fusion of genres - from cyberpunk to dark fantasy.
Is there a change of day / night and weather?

Yes, our game will have day / night cycles as well as weather conditions.
Who developed Corepunk?

Corepunk is being developed by Artificial Core.
What controls are used in Corepunk?

Movement in the game is controlled by a mouse, and all abilities require the use of a keyboard.
How do you deal with players who violate the rules of the game?

We understand the importance of fairness in the game and how dishonest players can ruin your gaming experience. We will prohibit such behavior in the game. Offenders will be strictly punished and even permanently banned if needed.
What does combat in Corepunk look like?

It's responsive combat with tactical elements made possible by fog-of-war and the surrounding environment.
Will there be standard roles in the game like a tank, support, healer and DD?

Yes, in the game, there will be standard archetypes: tank, support, healer, and DD, as well as in-between variations. It's all up to the player's choice. Our game design allow for very flexible character customization, for any playing style and role. A wide variety of builds is one of the key features of our game.
What stage of development is the game at now?

The game is at the Alpha Test stage. The Closed Beta delayed to spring 2021.
Where can I get information about game development?

On our website and forum. Also, if you are registered, you will receive a newsletter.


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